The village held a very moving vigil and commemoration/remembrance service on Monday 4th August, the date marking the 100th anniversary of the declaration of war.
The church was completely full, with representation from Sedgley's uniformed organisations (Scouts, St John Ambulance and Royal British Legion), St Peter's Upper Gornal and St Andrew's the Straits, as well as our fellow Christian denominations (Methodist and Catholic).
The service was interspersed with readings eg 'The Glimmering Landscape' by Charles L Warr and 'Sad is not a Soldier's Word' from 'Forgotten Voices of the Great War'.
One of the most touching aspects of the service was the lighting of memorial candles by our altar servers as the names of Sedgley's fallen were read out. Not only those on the official village memorial were read, but those who were not included yet who lie in the Gospel End St cemetery, and those who are commemorated at St Andrew's Bilston St and St Chad's Catholic Church.
The Mayor of Dudley Councillor Margaret Aston attended in an official capacity along with two Sedgley Councillors, David Caunt and Michael Evans.
Mention should be made of: Rob Lavender's construction of a large sand-filled wooden cross to hold the memorial candles; Becky Hill's floral memorial by the pulpit; Bob Hill's liaison with Sedgley Royal British Legion; and Rosemary's floral displays by the official village memorial.
And thank you Father Stephen for your efforts in bringing people in the village together - making this a wonderful, fitting tribute to The Fallen.