All Saints' bells were run at 7am on the morning of Ascension Day May 5th 2016. Thank you so much to John and Sue Anderson and the Ringers.
We went up the tower with Churchwarden Keith Tomlinson at 7.30am - alas there were only 7 of us. We recited the Lord's prayer on the parapet, and sang the 1739 Ascension Day hymn 'Hail the Day that sees Him Rise' by Charles Wesley.
It was also a wonderful opportunity to view the village and surrounding countryside from a unique perspective - and thankfully the weather was outstandingly sunny.
There was then an 8am Holy Communion Service in church at All Saints' led by our Rural Dean, Colin Jones who was assisted by Jan Humphries and our altar server Len Millard.
Afterwards we went over for breakfast to Cafe Cappella in Gospel End Street.