Sedgley Remembrance Sunday Parade 13th November 2016.
We were fortunate to enjoy bright, sunny weather again this year. This is surely Sedgley's most impressive show of community spirit - over 400 people combine to remember the sacrifice made by people from our village (and servicemen and women throughout the country) for freedom and for peace.
From 10am, organisations begin to arrive and gather together in The Walk, Sedgley - outside the ex-servicemen's club and The Crown pub. Organisations include the Scouts and Guides, Brownies and Beavers and St John Ambulance.
They are put into marching order by David Screen and Bob Hill of the Royal British Legion, and at 10.15am the march begins, proceeding down High Street towards the Bull Ring.
Police and a team of volunteers provide marshalling along the route. Roads are temporaily sectioned off to allow safe passage through the Bull Ring and up Dudley Street, wheeling right into Vicar Street. Once in Vicar Street, the procession is led into All Saints' churchyard.
Colour parties remain outside on the piazza as organisations file into church.
On the return parade, the procession back to The Walk is led by Sedgley Branch of the Royal British Legion.